It is New Years Day and I am happy! The holidays are over and life can return to normal. Just outside, Orion is rising in the sky. Seeing Orion always makes me smile. Like seeing a deer in the woods or a fox walking down the road in the early morning, seeing Orion always leaves me feeling that all is well.
My prayer and hope for this new year is that it will be a year of possibility and fulfilled dreams for everyone. I don't write resolutions, I write intentions. What are your intentions for this new year? I write my intentions on prayer flags and hang them outside. When I walk outside I am reminded of my intentions ~ I like that.
I've named my blog "Shiba's Nest". You might wonder what is that? I love dogs and my dogs are Shiba Inu's ~ a Japanese breed full of energy, life, devotion and love. They are my companions and my home is their nest that they allow me to share with them. For that, I am grateful! At the beginning of this post are photos of my lovely girl, Sachiko.
Enjoy & Happy New Year!