Sunday, February 27, 2011

No Need For Fear to Rule

My coaching session the other day centered on Fear and how fear has been a lifelong companion that I give far too much power to! The session led me to much writing about fear ~ speaking to fear and giving it permission to sit off in the corner! While writing, I became inspired to create my fear into the snake it resembled during my coaching session. My snake became a project that combined crocheting, needle felting and wet felting. With each stitch and step in the process I named how fear has shown up in my life and an affirmation of letting it go!

Do you let fear into your life? Do you give it far too much power? Does fear rule parts of your life? I highly recommend creating something that represents fear. As I created my snake, I could play with fear and actually become delighted in the silly nature of fear. Now, it can sit off in a corner somewhere in my house so that I can see it, acknowledge it and smile as I move forward without it controlling my life!

I suspect that most of the people I know would never suspect that fear has played such a prominent place in my life. Well, like the snake, my fear has been stealthy and quiet, yet there nonetheless! When my daughter was young, I didn't have time to allow fear to have a place for long. My life, then, was about doing the next thing. Now that she is an adult and creating her own family, I have more moments when fear takes a seat next to me.

I've decided that now is the time to get to know this little gremlin inside and have a serious confrontation with it. I've given it form by making it into a snake. Quite fitting actually!

I'll keep you posted with what I learn about moving forward in spite of fear.

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